Where was your fitness at prior to personal training?

I was unfit, obese and was addicted to excessive amounts of sugary foods – and allergic to intense physical activity!

What aspects of the training do you enjoy the most?

Having a PT motivated me to exercise more consistently and helped me change my lifestyle. I enjoyed working out with other people at Jam’s outdoor bootcamps and formed new friendships whilst achieving my fitness goals.
It was very difficult to get into the fitness regime initially. But with Jam’s encouragement and support during the one-on-one sessions I was able to improve my fitness level and accelerate my fat-loss. The training program helped me to lose a kilo a week on average and that resulted in me losing 20kg in just over a year.
I really enjoyed the shift to strength-training which helped me shape up my body and maintain my fitness easier; it also taught me to develop a new level of mental toughness I never thought I had.

What are the most valuable lessons you’ve learned over the course of personal training?

Definitely my eating habits – Jam helped me by educating me on nutrition and how to implement an effective yet practical AND sustainable diet. I changed my eating habits dramatically, which helped me to shed weight quickly and greatly improve my physical appearance. It made a really positive impact on my life in terms of self-confidence and of course my health.

What were some of the mental challenges you’ve faced in your fitness journey so far, and how did you overcome them?

There were times when I wanted to give up because I felt it was too hard, especially the eating habits. There were times when you slip up but the aim is to realize that and get back on track with your fitness goals. Getting through some of the crazy workouts right to the finish were definitely a mental challenge in themselves!

Which changes have made the most impact on you?

I am very happy with the changes in my body and mind. Fitness not only improves your body but has a very positive impact on your mental wellbeing. My whole outlook on health and fitness has changed for the better and it’s something I know will stay with me for life.