What state was your health, fitness and lifestyle habits at prior to personal training? Describe your lifestyle habits, good or bad.

I have always had good lifestyle habits, but it was not great. I enjoy being outdoors and active, however, my training regime was not consistent. I had PTs in the past, however, it did not last for more than 6 months. I did not have the confident to go to the gym and train on my own. I would go to the gym at least 2-3 days a week to attend group classes. I reached a stage where I was getting bored with group classes and decided to take up PT again.

What aspects of our training do you enjoy the most? Talk about some of the effects boxing and weight-training has done for your fitness level.

Boxing has always been my passion. The pad work and sparring session with Jam helped me with my techniques and my endurance. Jam trained me prior to my Muay Thai camp in Bali and all the training with Jam paid off. I have built so much strength since I started training with Jam. Effects such as being able to deadlift 100kgs, squatting 2x my body weight, weighted pull-ups, weighted dips are the results of training with Jam. I now have 2 sessions a week, both strength training. I have lost weight compared to when I first started training with Jam, however, that has not compromised my strength. I feel like I have never been in a better shape compared to where I am now.

What are the most valuable lessons you’ve learned over the course of personal training? How have they made a positive impact on your lifestyle?

I’ve learnt that healthy eating is not just about eliminating carbs, it’s about being aware about what I eat and enjoy food in moderation. I feel more confident going to the gym and training without feeling conscious or nervous about what others might think me. Through Jam’s coaching and knowledge on training, health and nutrition, I now know what to do and not to do.

What were some of the mental challenges you’ve faced in your fitness journey so far, and how did you overcome them?

I have always been driven and when I give my absolute best when I have a goal in mind. Training after a long day at work is never easy. I’ve never had moments where I did not want to train with Jam. Jam’s way of coaching is firm and challenging but he knows I can handle it. Having a trainer that shares a similar mind-set makes a big difference to my training regime.

Looking back at yourself from before the training until now, what are the outer AND inner changes you’ve noticed and are happy about?

I am very happy with where I am right now. I feel more confident, driven and enjoy going to the gym more often. I feel mentally and physically strong and I feel like I have so much more to give in terms of training. My body shape has certainly changed since training with Jam and this is only the beginning.

Based on your experience, what would you tell others who are considering one-on-one coaching as the biggest benefit they can expect from training with Jam?

I have had trainers in the past; however, they never took the time and effort to get to know me and what I want to achieve as an individual. This is what I get from Jam. The biggest benefits are mental and physical strength. Jam is the type of trainer that will keep pushing you until you achieve your goals and expect to achieve what you think is impossible. His encouragement and training style will make you want to achieve your absolute best, not only with exercise regime, but with health and nutrition.

Which training achievements are you most proud of, and why?

I remember when I first started training with Jam, one of my goals was to do one body weight chin up. A year after, amongst other training achievements, I can now do weighted wide-grip pull-ups and weighted dips. My next goal is to be able to do a muscle up. With Jam’s guidance, it will just be a matter of time until I achieve this goal.