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I'm back from 6 weeks away, so here I have for you a healthy treat that tastes just as good as a cheat meal! Did you ever think I would send you a recipe for cookies?! While it may seem crazy that your favorite fitness professional is sending you a cookie recipe, just wait until you see the ingredients. Let’s just say that there’s zero guilt in enjoying one of these wholesome chocolate chip cookies – preferably while it’s still warm out of the oven. 

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If you've read some of my previous articles, you know that I usually don’t write topics with a personal theme. Instead my focus is on providing short lessons rich with fitness information; I want to educate people and give them something they can take away and use to make an impact on their fitness journey. I rarely make an article focused on me. But today I’m going to make an exception :)

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Here’s a recipe for the perfect on-the-go energy food. Ham, broccoli and egg combine for a tasty snack that’s packed with protein and healthy fat. Make a dozen and enjoy throughout your week!

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Wondering what to do with local, organic fresh grown fruit? Let’s turn it into a guilt-free protein cobbler! 

Most cobbler recipes are laden with extra sugar and fattening crusts, but not this recipe. This uses peaches, but feel free to substitute with apples or pears. Traditional cobblers and pies are filled with fat and sugar – this recipe is much lighter, but will satisfy your sweet tooth just as well. 

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Many people ask me how to quickly and easily get fit. While I know they are hoping for a simple answer, the reality is that getting and staying fit is a lifestyle, not a quick fix. 

So what do fit people do in their “healthy lifestyle”? Take a peek with the following 7 Habits of Highly Fit People…

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When it comes to grilling it’s just as easy to keep the menu lean as it is to make the menu fattening. The recipe that I have for you today is a prime example of a flavorful, lean chicken that is best eaten hot off the grill! 

What you pair your grilled chicken with will make all of the difference as to whether or not your meal stays lean or becomes fattening. Avoid bread, potatoes and pastas - instead stick with grilled veggies, fresh green salads and fruit for dessert. 

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Have you ever seen a really impressive 'Before' and 'After' photo on a weight loss product? Well, there’s something that the diet industry doesn’t want you to know. There is more involved than just the diet product, and it’s the same across the board. 

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I love pancakes, they’re the perfect breakfast or even anytime snack. I also like sweet potato, but eating it on it’s own can get boring after a while. So I decided to come up with a recipe that provides you with healthy carbs, a decent amount of protein, low fat and of course tastes delicious – this is a great option as your pre-workout meal for plenty of clean energy! The trick is to keep yourself to one serving ;)


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