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You head to the gym because you know that exercise burns calories and helps you to shed extra kilos. 

Knowing this, you may think that losing weight should be easy with enough exercise. However the truth is that if you aren't accustomed to exercising and are out of shape, beginning an exercise program may actually lead to an initial increase in your weight. 

This fact, however, shouldn't stop you from exercising, as you’ll eventually turn the weight corner and start losing. 

What is it about exercise that may cause some people to gain instead of lose weight? 

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Mmm just looking at these salmon frittatas make me hungry. High protein and low carbs, this frittata is great any time of day—serve it for breakfast, or eat any leftovers at room temperature for lunch and it still tastes great!

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If you’re on a mission to slim down and tone up then it’s really important to hone your fat loss rather than simply weight loss. Losing kilos feels good, but if those kilos are precious muscle, then you’re actually hurting your overall ability for fat loss. In order to ensure that the weight you’re losing is FAT and not MUSCLE take the following 15 Essential Fat Loss Tips to heart: 

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Here’s another high-protein snack that tastes like a cheat-meal, but you can enjoy totally guilt-free - the best part is that they're so easy to make! And trust me these are a way better alternative to those popular 'Protein' Balls (ie. Fat Balls) you can buy at the supermarket, those things have way too much Fat + Sugar!

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Today I want to talk about personal accountability for your health.


I recently had several conversations with clients, friends and former clients that made me realize many people are still treating a regular fitness routine as something close to last on their priority list – until it’s too late. Often they neglect exercise and let their body spiral into bad shape for years, and it’s not until their doctor breaks the news to them that they have health problems that they finally decide to make a change. To be honest this strikes a nerve with me, as it's something that hits close to home with my own family history. The last thing I want is for people to go through the pain of watching a loved one suffer from gradually deteriorating health. So I'm writing this article to give you that reality check you might sorely need.

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Today I’m sharing a healthy recipe with you that will please your taste buds while taking you one step closer to achieving your fitness goals. This wrap is perfect to pack for lunch or makes a quick and healthy dinner. It’s ready in a flash, tastes amazing, and is filled with lean turkey, veggies and whole sprouted grains. Try it today - it's a much healthier homemade alternative to your typical cafe sandwich bar or Subway! 

All of that hard work that you put into your workouts can quickly and easily be lost on unhealthy eating – which is why it’s so important to enjoy light, protein-filled meals like this one. 

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Ask yourself this question (and answer it honestly!)How hard are you really pushing yourself while you workout? 

Do you workout enthusiastically, feeling the burn with a smile, pushing yourself to the limit? Or would you describe your exercise time more like a slow steady-pace jog? Coasting along, breaking a respectable sweat, doing the same old thing. 

Since you take the time to exercise and desire to have your body change into a slimmer, fitter, more athletic-looking version of yourself, then use my following tips to get more out of your exercise time. 

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There’s a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why most people say they want to be fit, and yet only a very small percentage actually are fit. Most of us, instead, are firmly cemented in what I call the Flab Life (an inactive lifestyle that results in gradual fat gain over many weeks/months/years) rather than the Fit Life. 

Why is this? Because the Fit Life is hard. 

Want to know just how hard it is to lose the flab due to full immersion into the Fit Life? Here’s a glimpse into the Habits of Being Fit: 

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