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This chicken and veggie dish is light and delicious. Yogurt and curry flavors blend for an enjoyable new chicken experience. Enjoy it as a tasty lunch or a protein packed dinner. 

All of that hard work that you put into your workouts can quickly and easily be lost on unhealthy eating – which is why it’s so important to enjoy light, protein-filled meals like this one. 

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Are chronic excuses keeping you from the rewards of a regular, challenging exercise routine? If so then you’re missing out on much more than you realize. 

Here are my Top 7 Reasons to Exercise hard + regularly. Don’t miss out on these:

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There’s no questioning the fact that the foods you eat go far in determining how quickly you’ll meet your fitness goals. 

And if you’re eating a number of your meals out at restaurants then you’re going to want to keep reading because the average restaurant meal contains more than 1,200 calories. 

Most people have no idea just how fattening restaurant entrées are. In fact, the following information may shock you. 

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Yeh, this wasn’t the sexiest title I’ve come up with. ‘Responsibility’ usually isn’t a word people get excited over or pay much attention to. But I’m making it the focus for today’s article because lack of personal responsibility for your fitness (or any area of your life for that matter) is just as big a mental block as lack of time, lack of knowledge or motivation.

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Here's a simple, wholesome and delicious meal that is ready in 30 minutes – perfect for busy weekday dinners. There’s no reason to hit the take-out restaurant when you have this quick, nutritious and tasty recipe on hand. Eating simple, wholesome meals like this and exercising regularly will get you to your goal weight. Servings: 2 

Here’s what you need…

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There are few things more frustrating than not being able to lose weight.
You want to be slimmer and to tone your body, but your bodyfat just won’t go away.
Read the following 7 Weight Loss Blockers to discover what's standing in your way and how to finally get the most out of your fat loss journey. 

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Here it is, my favorite recipe for autumn! Enjoy these tasty pumpkin pancakes without guilt. Made with almond meal and packed with protein from eggs, these pancakes are sure to satisfy without shortchanging your results. 

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We're all guilty of stopping for a quick Big Mac with Coke or sneaking in an extra Tim Tim now and again. But would we do it so often if we knew how long it would take to burn off those extra calories? Continuing on from the topic of my last Nutrition video on Energy Balance, this article reveals the shockingly high price we pay for those few minutes of pleasurable eating.  

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