Snatchgrip Rack Pulls

by Jam Acero, 7 years ago

(Can you spot the difference between the 1st and 2nd set?)
The Snatchgrip Rack Deadlift: another awesome exercise that not only boosts your regular Deadlift strength and adds muscle quickly to your upper back, but is perfect for skyrocketing the gains in your Hamstrings and Glutes. Because you start the lift in a deeper hip position, initiating the exercise from here really hammers your entire posterior chain – from your lower back down to the bottom of your hamstrings. The wider grip also hits the back of your shoulders hard, a weak area for most people due to bad posture.
In the 2nd set I focused on keeping my glutes squeezed throughout each rep, which helped me maintain better control as I lowered the bar each time. This protects the lower back from taking too much of the load on the eccentric (lowering) part of the lift. It also helps to prevent the upper back from fatiguing too early and relaxing, which I did too much in the 1st set.
So this tough move blasts your booty, improves your posture and adds muscle fast: definitely get on it!

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